Thursday, June 10, 2010


Love is a very common word that everyone supposedly "knows" about. But there is more to love, than the eye can see, the mind can think or the heart can feel. Just like any other emotion, like anger, happiness, sadness, excitement, or fear, the emotion called "love" is governed by the brain.

The brain governs most emotions through logical reasoning, but interestingly in the case of love, the logical reasoning remains deceptively hidden, to the extent of almost non-existence. It exists, but remains hidden. You must have often heard the statement, "People who are in love are crazy. Lovers do illogical, unbelievable and crazy things" Rightly so. Why wouldn't they do illogical things? Their logical reasoning is on vacation!

So powerful statements like "I love you" are said like they are available a dime a dozen. People starve, carve or tattoo their "sweet" one's name on their ass, spend like never before and ignore other important things in life. The "love" becomes all encompassing and all consuming! There is nothing else to do! Your entire day and night is spent thinking, talking and other -ings with your "loved" one.

But every vacation has to end at some point, and the logical reasoning has to return. That's when real life sets in, and the "love" is put to test. The purity, sanctity, sincerity and the very existence of love is put to test. The love, that can stand this test, the next test and the several million tests that will come up in real life until death, qualifies as "real" love, because it faces the logical reasoning when it is working on full steam and is not on vacation!

The real character, integrity, maturity and sensibility of both individuals in "love" come out in real life, when the initial honeymoon period is over. The "I love you"s may become anything between "I kinda-sorta dislike you"s to "I hate you"s. The logical reasoning trashes the feeling of wrong love, and displays the real worth of whatever that feeling was!

When this happens, every lovable thing that happened in the past, starts recycling in the mind and the logical reasoning (which was on vacation at the time) starts applying itself, and good is differentiated from the bad. The heart-ache is unbelievably painful! Someone who could not spend a minute of the day without talking to you, starts ignoring you. Your phone-calls are not returned and you get demoted from "most important" to "unimportant" or "non-existent". You are told to get lost!

What?!! Where is all the "love"? All that care, concern, sweetness and compassion? was all just pretense and falsehood! All that was some phony bull-shit, that did not mean ANYTHING. If it meant something, the love would withstand the test of real life. That was "love" when logic was on vacation. When logic came back, the "love" became nothing but a pile of meaningless crap! What a waste of mind, energy, time, money and spirit! The heart gets wrenched and painfully squeezed.

So, we come to realize, that "love" works by logic. The sooner the love is exposed to logic, the better, because the "reality" in that love is tested. The tests keep coming up and the love is tested again and again and the people who learn and survive all the tests are real lovers. That is real care, just like the unconditional love of GOD! No matter who we are, or what we do, GOD loves us unconditionally.

So what is the point of all this script? Well....the point is, love is valuable, but just like any other emotion, has certain requirements. Love can sustain ONLY when it can pass the logic test. The logic test will come eventually. It may come in 1 month, 10 months or 10 years. But it will come and if the love is not true, everything will collapse like a pack of cards.

Lucky are those people, who really "love" each other and live their whole life loving each other and learning from each other, with the love growing, with every passing day. Love is a beautiful feeling that can do wonders for the mind, if true, but if untrue can shatter the mind really bad!

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